
Markets are feverish before the elections (and the Fed)


1 min

Financial markets have been moving erratically over the past week and will probably have to wait for the outcome of the US elections and the Fed's monetary policy meeting next week to find a medium-term catalyst. In the meantime, investors are focusing on geop ...

Les banques centrales entre le marteau et l'enclume


La crise russo-ukrainienne et ses répercussions sur la croissance et l’inflation rebattent totalement les cartes des scénarios économiques p ....

Vladimir Poutine réussit à fédérer l'Europe


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Wait and See


Avec peu de nouvelles données macroéconomiques à se mettre sous la dent, les marchés financiers ont poursuivi dans leur « mood », plutôt fra ....

« Data-dependence » leads to overreaction


En abandonnant la forward guidance au profit d’une approche résolument « data-dependent », la FED a fait le choix de laisser les investisseu ....

"Good news is bad news"


Après la Fed, la BoE et la BCE ! Les deux principales banques centrales européennes, qui tenaient leur réunion de politique monétaire la sem ....

A new lunar year


Until now , and without too much trouble for the financial markets, Jerome Powell had succeeded by clever communication, to engage the Ameri ....

Changes in the market perception


The time of optimism, which prevailed on the financial markets, seems already far away. Indeed, if last year investors got along rather well ....

The "Quantitative Tightening" fear


Between the tightening of the Fed's balance sheet (Quantitative Tightening) and the term "anxiety", derived from the Latin angustia (narrow ....

The glass is definitely half full


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