Good news is bad news.....to be continued
Financial markets have long viewed the US central bank as behind the curve, anticipating that faster monetary tightening would be required t ....

A true rebound?
Financial markets finally regained some appetite for risk last week. However, this trend will have to be confirmed this week so as not to re ....

From infaltion fears to concerns of recession, one consideration after another!
As Jerome Powell recalled at a conference organized by the Wall Street Journal, the fight against inflation remains the Fed's top priority. ....

Falling inflation or just an impression?
After eight months of consecutive increases, US inflation finally peaked in April. Although it came out above consensus expectations and at ....

The path of dissagreement
The Fed's monetary policy meeting unsurprisingly led to a 50 bps increase in key rates. This decision, widely expected by Jerome Powell, was ....

Will the hammer burst the water pipe?
The weeks go by and inflation, already at record levels, shows no signs of calm, forcing the central banks to close the floodgates more quic ....

"Good news is bad news"
After the Fed, the BoE and the ECB, the two main European central banks, which held their monetary policy meeting last week, have also made ....

Changes in the market perception
The time of optimism, which prevailed on the financial markets, seems already far away. Indeed, if last year investors got along rather well ....

The "Quantitative Tightening" fear
Between the tightening of the Fed's balance sheet (Quantitative Tightening) and the term "anxiety", derived from the Latin angustia (narrow ....